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A service/library to extract product information from URLs.

Data model

Currently, this information is extracted from the site (if possbile):

    "image_url": "<url>", // (string) URL to an image file
    "in_stock": false, // (bool) If the item is currently available for purchase
    "name": "<name>", // (string) The name of the product as it appears on the site
    "price": 14.21, // (optional, float) The price of the product [parsed by the library]
    "price_text": "14,21 €", // (optional, string) The price of the product as it appears on the site (with currency)
    "release_date": "2021-03-22T00:00:00Z", // (optional, string RFC3339) the release date of the item
    "url": "<url>" // (string) The URL of the item

Supported sites

Support is handled in a best effort basis. Some sites do not provided all exposed fields.


go run cmd/server/main.go