from __future__ import with_statement, print_function from os.path import dirname, abspath, join from os.path import exists as os_exists from fabric.api import * from fabric.context_managers import settings, cd from fabric.contrib.files import exists from fabric.colors import yellow, red, white, green from fabric.operations import local # # GLOBALS # env.LOCAL_PATH = dirname(abspath(__file__)) # # HOSTS # HOSTS = { 'local': { 'host': '', 'path': env.LOCAL_PATH, }, 'dev': { 'host': 'dev', 'path': '~', 'user': 'app', } } if not env.hosts: env.hosts = ['local'] # Doctor checkups DOCTOR = { 'apps': ['virtualenv', 'python', 'npm', 'grunt', 'bower'] } # # HELPERS # def get_host_string(host_config): host_string = '' if 'user' in host_config: host_string += '{}@'.format(host_config['user']) host_string += host_config['host'] if 'port' in host_config: host_string += ':{}'.format(host_config['port']) return host_string def get_host_app_environment(): """ Get remote $ENVIRONMENT variable value. Default: local """ # In case we're setting up a new host we need this defined app_environment = 'local' try: ssh_io = run('echo -e "\n$ENVIRONMENT"', quiet=True).split()[1] except IndexError: ssh_io = 'local' if ssh_io and exists(join(env.LOCAL_PATH, 'config', ssh_io)): app_environment = ssh_io return app_environment # # CONTEXT MANAGERS # def virtualenv(): """ Activates virtualenv first """ return prefix( 'source {}/.virtualenv/bin/activate'.format( env.host_config['path'] ) ) # # DECORATORS # def task_environment(method): """ Retrieves host based configuration and app_environment from the host and automatically CDs into the specified path """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): env.host_config = HOSTS[] with settings(host_string=get_host_string(env.host_config)): env.appenv = get_host_app_environment() with cd(env.host_config['path']): return method(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper # # TASKS # @task_environment @task def setup_environment(): """ Prepares environment for the application """ execute(setup_virtualenv) execute(setup_tools) execute(setup_database) @task_environment @task def setup_virtualenv(): """ Creates or updates a virtualenv """ if not exists('.virtualenv'): print(yellow('Create virtualenv')) run('virtualenv-2.7 .virtualenv') with virtualenv(): print(yellow('Installing requirements')) run('pip install -r config/{}/requirements.txt --use-mirrors'.format( env.appenv)) @task_environment @task def setup_tools(): # Setup frontend tools print(yellow('Installing npm dependencies')) run('npm install') @task_environment @task def setup_database(): """ Create or update the database """ with virtualenv(): print(yellow('SyncDB')) run('python syncdb') print(yellow('Migrate')) run('python migrate') @task_environment @task def set_environment(): env_type = prompt('Environment type?') bashrc = run('cat $HOME/.bashrc', quiet=True) if 'export ENVIRONMENT=`cat $HOME/.environment`' not in bashrc: print(red('Error: .bashrc is not properly configured!')) run("echo export ENVIRONMENT=\$\(cat $HOME/.environment\) " ">> .bash_profile") run('echo {} > .environment'.format(env_type)) @task_environment @task def shell(): """ Opens a shell to the given host """ open_shell('cd {}'.format(env.host_config['path'])) @task_environment @task def doctor(): print(yellow('Checking for software:')) for app in DOCTOR['apps']: print(white('{}'.format(app)), end=': ') check = run('which {}'.format(app), quiet=True) if check.succeeded: print(green('present')) else: print(red('not present')) # # LOCAL ONLY # @task_environment @task @hosts(['local']) def runserver(): """ Executes local development server """ with virtualenv(): run('python runserver') @task_environment @task def clean_pyc(): run('find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;') @task_environment @task @hosts(['local']) def rungrunt(): """ Executes grunt """ run('grunt --force') @task_environment @task @hosts(['local']) def makemessages(): """ Executes django-admin makemessages where needed """ with cd('shelfzilla'): if not exists('locale'): run('mkdir locale') with virtualenv(): run(' makemessages -l es', quiet=True) """ apps = ['homepage', 'landing', 'manga', 'users'] for app in apps: with cd('shelfzilla/apps/{}'.format(app)): if not exists('locale'): run('mkdir locale') with virtualenv(): run(' makemessages -l es', quiet=True) """ @task def clean_backups(BCK_BASE_PATH='/backups/sql', DAYS='30'): """ This function clean old backups from backup base path """ print(white("\tCleaning oldest backups...")) with settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr')): local('find %s -mtime +%s -exec rm -rf {} \;' % (BCK_BASE_PATH, DAYS)) @task def backup(): """ This function makes a PostgreSQL Backup and put it in backup base path """ import time BCK_BASE_PATH = '/backups/sql' DATABASE = "shelfzilla" print(white("\n\tMaking backup of [%s] database" % DATABASE)) with settings(hide('running')): if not os_exists(BCK_BASE_PATH + '/' + time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")): local('mkdir -p %s' % BCK_BASE_PATH + '/' + time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")) with lcd(BCK_BASE_PATH + '/' + time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y")): local('pg_dump %s | gzip > %s.gz' % (DATABASE, "shelfzilla_" + time.strftime("%H:%M_%d_%m_%Y")) ) clean_backups()