# coding: utf-8 import json import os import sys import requesocks as requests import uuid import re from utils.crawler_listadomanga.progressbar import ProgressBar os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "shelfzilla.settings.local") from filer.models.imagemodels import Image from django.core.files import File import warnings import datetime warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') buff = '' with open('utils/crawler_listadomanga/data.json', 'r') as f: buff += f.read() new_json = json.loads(buff) pb_total = { 'end': len(new_json), 'width': 50, 'fill': '#', 'format': '%(progress)s%% [%(fill)s%(blank)s]' } r_unwanted = re.compile("[\n\t\r]") total_pb = ProgressBar(**pb_total) session = requests.session() session.proxies = { 'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://' } DATE_VALUES = { 'Enero': 1, 'Febrero': 2, 'Marzo': 3, 'Abril': 4, 'Mayo': 5, 'Junio': 6, 'Julio': 7, 'Agosto': 8, 'Septiembre': 9, 'Octubre': 10, 'Noviembre': 11, 'Diciembre': 12 } def download_file(url): local_filename = "/tmp/{}".format(str(uuid.uuid4())) # local_filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) # NOTE the stream=True parameter download_errors = True redownload_cover = False while download_errors: # Change TOR identity if redownload_cover: print('=> RENEWING TOR IDENTITY...') from stem import Signal from stem.control import Controller with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller: controller.authenticate("1234") controller.signal(Signal.NEWNYM) redownload_cover = False try: r = session.get(url) with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() if os.path.getsize(local_filename) < 200: check_cover = open(local_filename, 'r') if 'blacklisted' in check_cover.read(): redownload_cover = True old_cover = vol.cover vol.cover = None vol.save() old_cover.delete() else: download_errors = False else: download_errors = False except: redownload_cover = True download_errors = True return local_filename def clear(): os.system('clear') def update_pbs(title): clear() print('{}'.format(total_pb)) print('Now working: {}'.format(title.encode('utf-8'))) # filename = download_file('http://ifconfig.me/ip') # os.remove(filename) i = 0 from shelfzilla.apps.manga.models import Series, Person, Publisher, Volume, Language for s in new_json: is_catala = False update_pbs(s['name']) if '(' in s['name']: # TODO collections! pass serie, is_new = Series.objects.get_or_create( name=s['name'] ) # Replaces if 'spanish_publisher' in s: if u'Editores de Tebeos' in s['spanish_publisher']: s['spanish_publisher'] = u'Ediciones Glénat / EDT' if u'ECC Ediciones' in s['spanish_publisher']: s['spanish_publisher'] = u'El Catálogo del Cómic' # TODO collections # print("================== {}".format(serie.name.encode('utf-8'))) # Summary if s['summary'] != '': serie.summary = s['summary'] # Completed series # TODO catala? if 'spanish_numbers' in s: if 'completa' in s['spanish_numbers']: serie.finished = True serie.status = 'finished' if 'cancelada' in s['spanish_numbers']: serie.status = 'cancelled' if 'catala_numbers' in s: is_catala = True if 'completa' in s['catala_numbers']: serie.finished = True serie.status = 'finished' if 'cancelada' in s['catala_numbers']: serie.status = 'cancelled' # Art if 'art' in s and s['art']: art = s['art'].split(',') for person in art: name = person.strip() art, is_new = Person.objects.get_or_create( name=name ) serie.art.add(art) # Story if 'story' in s and s['story']: story = s['story'].split(',') for person in story: name = person.strip() story, is_new = Person.objects.get_or_create( name=name ) serie.story.add(story) # Spanish publisher if 'spanish_publisher' in s and s['spanish_publisher']: pub, is_new = Publisher.objects.get_or_create( name=s['spanish_publisher'] ) if s['spanish_publisher_url']: pub.url = s['spanish_publisher_url'] pub.save() # Japanese publisher if 'japanese_publisher' in s and s['japanese_publisher']: src_pub, is_new = Publisher.objects.get_or_create( name=s['japanese_publisher'] ) if s['japanese_publisher_url']: src_pub.url = s['japanese_publisher_url'] src_pub.save() serie.original_publisher = src_pub # Volumes if len(s['published_volumes']) > 0: for index, volume in enumerate(s['published_volumes']): try: number = int(volume['name'].split(u'\u00ba')[1]) except: number = index print('[volume] {}'.format(r_unwanted.sub(" ", volume['name'].encode('utf-8')))) try: vol, is_new = Volume.objects.get_or_create( series=serie, number=number, publisher=pub ) if is_catala: language = Language.objects.get(code='es-ca') vol.language = language vol.save() if 'date' in volume: month, year = volume['date'].split(' ') month = DATE_VALUES[month] year = int(year) vol.release_date = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) vol.save() if vol.cover: file_path = vol.cover.file.path if os.path.getsize(file_path) < 200: check_cover = open(file_path, 'r') if 'blacklisted' in check_cover.read(): old_cover = vol.cover vol.cover = None vol.save() old_cover.delete() if 'cover' in volume and not vol.cover: cover_file = download_file(volume['cover']) check_local_file = open(cover_file, 'r') if not 'blacklisted' in check_local_file.read(): with open(cover_file) as f: dj_file = File(f, name=str(uuid.uuid4())) cover, is_new_cover = Image.objects.get_or_create( folder=None, name=str(uuid.uuid4()), file=dj_file ) vol.cover = cover vol.save() else: print('BLACKLISTED!') print(cover_file) quit() except Exception as error: print('Error: {}'.format(error)) serie.save() total_pb += 1 sys.stdout.flush() i += 1 # if i == 20: # break