#!/usr/bin/env python import string from random import choice import base64 from hashlib import sha1 import hmac import requests class YubicoWS(object): register_ws = 'https://upgrade.yubico.com/getapikey/?format=json' api_ws = None _protocol = 'https' _servers = [ 'api.yubico.com', 'api2.yubico.com', 'api3.yubico.com', 'api4.yubico.com', 'api5.yubico.com', ] _server = None _api_ws = '%s://%s/wsapi/2.0/' _errors = { 'BAD_OTP': 'The OTP is invalid format.', 'REPLAYED_OTP': 'The OTP has already been seen by the service.', 'BAD_SIGNATURE': 'The HMAC signature verification failed.', 'MISSING_PARAMETER': 'The request lacks a parameter.', 'NO_SUCH_CLIENT': 'The request id does not exist.', 'OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED': 'The request id is not allowed ' 'to verify OTPs.', 'BACKEND_ERROR': 'Unexpected error in our server. Please contact ' 'us if you see this error.', # 2.0 'NOT_ENOUGH_ANSWERS': 'Server could not get requested number of syncs ' 'during before timeout', 'REPLAYED_REQUEST': 'Server has seen the OTP/Nonce combination before', } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._protocol = kwargs.get('protocol', self._protocol) self._server = kwargs.get('server', None) self.select_server() def select_server(self): "Select server if provided, otherwise uses one from the list" if self._server and self._server in self._servers: self.api_ws = self._api_ws % (self._protocol, self._server) else: self.api_ws = self._api_ws % (self._protocol, choice(self._servers)) def register_api_key(self, email, otp): "Registers an API Key with the servers" data = { 'email': email, 'otp': str.lower(otp) } response = requests.post(self.register_ws, data) ws_response = response.json() if not ws_response['status']: raise YubicoWSError(ws_response['error']) return ws_response def verify(self, yubikey_id, otp, key=None): "Verifies the provided OTP with the server" endpoint = 'verify' url = self.api_ws + endpoint # Check otp format if not (len(otp) > 32 and len(otp) < 48): raise OTPIncorrectFormat() nonce = self.generate_nonce() data = { 'id': str(yubikey_id), 'otp': str.lower(otp), 'nonce': nonce } # Use API key for signing the message if key is provided if key: data['h'] = self.sign(data, key).replace('+', '%2B') response = requests.get(url, params=data) ws_response = self.parse_ws_response(response.text) if ws_response['status'] == 'OK': # Check if response is valid if not (ws_response['nonce'] == nonce \ and ws_response['otp'] != otp \ and True): raise YubicoWSInvalidResponse() if key: signature = self.sign(ws_response, key) if data['h'] != signature: raise YubicoWSResponseBadSignature( "The signature sent by the server is invalid" ) else: raise YubicoWSError(self._errors[ws_response['status']]) return ws_response def sign(self, data, key): "Signs the message with the provided key" if 'h' in data: # Just in case data.pop('h') # Sorted k=v dict params = [] for k in sorted(data.keys()): key_value = "%s=%s" % (k, data[k]) params.append(key_value) # Join as urlparams string = '&'.join(params) # hmac-sha1 hashed_string = hmac.new(base64.b64decode(key), string, sha1).digest() # base64 encode signature = base64.b64encode(hashed_string) return signature def parse_ws_response(self, text): "Parses the API key=value response into a dict" data = {} for line in text.split(): key, value = line.split('=', 1) data[key.strip()] = value.strip() return data def generate_nonce(self): "Generates a random string" chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return ''.join(choice(chars) for x in range(40)) class Yubikey(object): id = None key = None prefix = None _last_result = False def __init__(self, yubikey_id=None, key=None, **kwargs): self.ws = YubicoWS(**kwargs) if yubikey_id: self.id = yubikey_id if key: self.key = key def register(self, email, otp): "Registers this yubikey" result = False if not self.id: credentials = self.ws.register_api_key(email, otp) if credentials['status']: self.id = credentials['id'] self.key = credentials['key'] result = True return result def verify(self, otp): "Verify an OTP to check if its valid" result = False if self.id: self.get_prefix(otp) try: response = self.ws.verify(self.id, otp, key=self.key) result = True except YubicoWSResponseBadSignature, YubicoWSError: result = False self._last_result = result return result def get_prefix(self, otp): "Get prefix from an OTP if present" if len(otp) > 32: self.prefix = str.lower(otp[:-32]) class YubicoWSError(Exception): def __init__(self, message=None): self.msg = "Web Service responded with an error: %s" % message def __str__(self): return repr(self.msg) class YubicoWSInvalidResponse(Exception): msg = 'Response from the server is invalid' class WSResponseError(Exception): def __str__(self): return repr(self.msg) class OTPIncorrectFormat(Exception): pass class YubicoWSResponseBadSignature(Exception): pass