
184 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import usb.core
import usb.util
class Leds(object):
Helper class with static attributes to select Luxafor leds.
- **All**: All the leds.
- **Front**: Front side of the flag.
- **Back**: Back side of the flag.
- **Led#**: Specific led number.
| | |
|6 3| |
| | |
Front side|5 2|Back side |
| | |
|4 1| |
| | |
| +---------------------+
| |
| |
| |
| |
ALL = 0xFF
BACK = 0x41
FRONT = 0x42
LED1 = 0x01
LED2 = 0x02
LED3 = 0x03
LED4 = 0x04
LED5 = 0x05
LED6 = 0x06
class Packet(object):
Helper class to make it easy send the bytecode into the
luxafor flag via USB.
byte0 = 0
byte1 = 0
byte2 = None
byte3 = None
byte4 = None
byte5 = None
byte6 = None
byte7 = None
def get_byte(self, byte_num):
"""Returns the requested byte number"""
return getattr(self, 'byte%d' % byte_num, None)
def render(self):
"""Returns the ordered byte-list to send via USB."""
pkt = filter(
lambda x: x is not None,
(self.get_byte(n) for n in range(8)))
return tuple(pkt)
class Luxafor(object):
Main object to interact with luxafor flags.
VENDOR_ID = 0x04D8
'red': 0x52,
'green': 0x47,
'blue': 0x42,
'cyan': 0x43,
'magenta': 0x4D,
'yellow': 0x59,
'white': 0x57,
'off': 0x4F,
def __init__(self):
Finds the device to allow sending it information to.
device = usb.core.find(idVendor=self.VENDOR_ID,
if device is None:
raise Exception('Device was not found.')
except usb.core.USBError:
# Prevent Resource busy errors
self.device = device
def set_basic_color(self, color):
Set's up a basic color defined by the luxafor spec.
Possible values are set in the :attr:`~luxafor.Luxafor.COLORS`:
attribute in this class.
if color in self.COLORS:
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 0
pkt.byte1 = self.COLORS.get(color, 79)
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def set_color(self, red=255, green=255, blue=255, led=Leds.ALL):
Sets a fixed color defined by the user.
Using the `led` attribute.
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 1
pkt.byte1 = led
pkt.byte2 = red
pkt.byte3 = green
pkt.byte4 = blue
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def fade(self, red=255, green=255, blue=255, led=Leds.ALL, speed=255):
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 2
pkt.byte1 = led
pkt.byte2 = red
pkt.byte3 = green
pkt.byte4 = blue
pkt.byte5 = speed
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def strobe(self, red=255, green=255, blue=255, led=Leds.ALL,
speed=6, repeat=1):
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 3
pkt.byte1 = led
pkt.byte2 = red
pkt.byte3 = green
pkt.byte4 = blue
pkt.byte5 = speed
pkt.byte6 = 0
pkt.byte7 = repeat
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def wave(self, red=255, green=255, blue=255, wave=1, duration=2, repeat=1):
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 4
pkt.byte1 = wave
pkt.byte2 = red
pkt.byte3 = green
pkt.byte4 = blue
pkt.byte5 = 0
pkt.byte6 = repeat
pkt.byte7 = duration
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def pattern(self, pattern=0, repeat=255):
pkt = Packet()
pkt.byte0 = 6
pkt.byte1 = pattern
pkt.byte2 = repeat
self.device.write(self.DEVICE_ID, pkt.render())
def turn_off(self):