import logging import os import sys from .notion import NotionClient from .download import get_dict_from_url_response_body from .models import Database if __name__ == "__main__": logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) try: token = os.environ["NOTION_TOKEN"] database_id = os.environ["NOTION_DATABASE_ID"] card_id_property = "Card ID" except KeyError as e: logging.error("NOTION_TOKEN and NOTION_DATABASE_ID are required") sys.exit(1) database = Database() # Download and build Meta database"Downloading meta...") meta = get_dict_from_url_response_body("") # for attack in meta["a"]: # database.register_attack(attack["atk_id"], **attack) for color in meta["c"]: database.register_color(color["color_id"], **color) # for source in meta["s"]: # database.register_source(source["src_id"], **source) for _type in meta["t"]: database.register_type(_type["type_id"], **_type) for card_type in meta["ct"]: database.register_card_type(card_type["type_id"], **card_type) for rarity in meta["r"]: database.register_rarity(rarity["rarity_id"], **rarity) # for key in meta['key']: # database.register_key(key['id'], **key) # Download and build Sources database"Downloading sources...") sources = get_dict_from_url_response_body( "" ) for source in sources: database.register_source(source["src_id"], **source) # Donwload and build Cards database"Downloading cards...") cards = get_dict_from_url_response_body("") for card in cards: database.register_card(card["cid"], **card) # Fetch current data from Notion notion_cli = NotionClient(token) notion_state = dict() try:"Retrieving notion state...") notion_db = notion_cli.get_database_state(database_id) for card in notion_db["results"]: notion_state[card[card_id_property]] = card except Exception as e: logging.error(e) sys.exit(2)"Merging databases...") for card in database.iter_cards(): if card.card_id in notion_state: notion_cli.update_card(notion_state[card.card_id], **{}) else: notion_cli.create_card(database_id, **card.to_notion())