
151 lines
3.8 KiB

Studio =
domElement: null
_dom: null
renderer: null
width: 600
height: 600
scene: null
camera: null
_cameraType: null
animating: false
lights: []
_lights: {}
objects: []
_objects: {}
add: (object) ->
if object of window.StudioObjects
obj = new window.StudioObjects[object]
x: 16
y: 16
z: 16
obj._id = @studio.objects.length + 1
type: object
id: obj._id
@studio._objects[obj._id] = obj
@studio.scene.add @studio._objects[obj._id]._object
context =
object_id: obj._id
name: obj.name
template = Handlebars.compile $('#entity-template-simple').html()
html = template(context)
@setHandlers $(".entities-list .entity-#{obj._id}")
list: ->
return @studio._objects
setHandlers: (dom) ->
_this = @
dom.find('.btn-edit').click ->
console.log 'edit'
dom.find('.btn-remove').click ->
_this.remove $(@).parents('[data-objectid]').attr('data-objectid')
dom.find('.check-visible').change ->
console.log 'toggle!'
remove: (object_id) ->
if object_id of @studio._objects
obj = @studio._objects[object_id]
@studio.scene.remove obj._object
delete @studio._objects[object_id]
$(".entities-list .entity-#{object_id}").remove()
# Methods
checkWebGLsupport: ->
return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
# Callbacks
onCameraChange: (cameraType) ->
if "#{cameraType}Camera" of window.StudioCameras
@_cameraType = cameraType
@camera = window.StudioCameras["#{cameraType}Camera"].init @width, @height
if not @animating
# Animation
animate: ->
if @scene and @camera
if not @animating
@animating = true
@renderer.render @scene, @camera
@_animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame =>
# Scene helpers
setSize: (width, height) ->
@width = parseInt width
@height = parseInt height
@renderer.setSize @width, @height
@domElement.style.width = "#{@width}px"
@domElement.style.height = "#{@height}px"
@onCameraChange @_cameraType
reset: ->
cancelAnimationFrame @_animationFrame
@init @_dom, @width, @height
init: (dom, width, height) ->
if not @checkWebGLsupport()
return false
# Renderer
@domElement = document.querySelector dom
@_dom = dom
@renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
@setSize width, height
@domElement.appendChild @renderer.domElement
# Scene
@scene = new THREE.Scene()
# Populate
# Add all objects to object select
objectsDom = $('select.object-list')
for i of window.StudioObjects
obj = window.StudioObjects[i]
objectsDom.append "<option value=\"#{i}\">#{obj.name}</option>"
# test
@light = new THREE.DirectionalLight 0xffffff
@light.position.set(1, 20, 60).normalize()
@light.intensity = 1.6
@scene.add @light
@objectManager.studio = @
#@object = new THREE.Mesh new THREE.CubeGeometry(16, 16, 16), new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
#@scene.add @object
# /test
window.Studio = Studio