
127 lines
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Studio =
domElement: null
renderer: null
width: 600
height: 600
scene: null
camera: null
animating: false
lights: []
_lights: {}
objects: []
_objects: {}
# Methods
checkWebGLsupport: ->
return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
# Callbacks
onCameraChange: (cameraType) ->
if "#{cameraType}Camera" of StudioObjects
@camera = StudioObjects["#{cameraType}Camera"].init @width, @height
if not @animating
# Animation
animate: ->
if @scene and @camera
@renderer.render @scene, @camera
requestAnimationFrame =>
# Scene helpers
setSize: (width, height) ->
@width = parseInt width
@height = parseInt height
@renderer.setSize @width, @height
@domElement.style.width = "#{@width}px"
@domElement.style.height = "#{@height}px"
# Tests
changeTexture: (path) ->
@scene.remove @object
texture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture path
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter
texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial map: texture
@object = new THREE.Mesh new THREE.CubeGeometry(16, 16, 16), material
@object.rotation.set Math.PI/6, (Math.PI/4)*-1, 0
@scene.add @object
init: (dom, width, height) ->
if not @checkWebGLsupport()
return false
@domElement = document.querySelector dom
@renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
@setSize width, height
@domElement.appendChild @renderer.domElement
@scene = new THREE.Scene()
# test
@light = new THREE.DirectionalLight 0xffffff
@light.position.set(1, 20, 60).normalize()
@light.intensity = 1.6
@scene.add @light
@object = new THREE.Mesh new THREE.CubeGeometry(16, 16, 16), new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial()
@scene.add @object
# /test
orthograpicCamera =
_self: null
_left: 0
_right: 0
_top: 0
_bottom: 0
_near: -1000
_far: 1000
init: (width, height) ->
@_left = width / -2
@_right = width / 2
@_top = height / 2
@_bottom = height / -2
@_near = width * -2
@_far = width * 2
camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera @_left, @_right, @_top, @_bottom, @_near, @_far
@_self = camera
perspectiveCamera =
_fov: 45
_aspectRatio: 0
_near: 1
_far: 1000
init: (width, height) ->
@_aspectRatio = width / height
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera @_fov, @_aspectRatio, @_near, @_far
camera.position.z = 40
@_self = camera
window.Studio = Studio
window.StudioObjects =
'orthographicCamera': orthograpicCamera
'perspectiveCamera': perspectiveCamera