## # This fabric script only add automation to tasks for # local development, is not intended to be used for # deploys or stuff. ## # IMPORTS from fabric.api import local, env, prefix, execute from fabric.context_managers import settings, hide from os.path import exists from os import environ, stat, getcwd from fabric.colors import yellow, red, green from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import sys # Fabric env env.hosts = ['localhost'] env.activate = 'source virtualenv/bin/activate' env.python = None # Development data env.development_ddbb = 'dev.sqlite3' # Configuration #python_version = "3.3.1" python_version = "2.7.5" # Functions def echo(string, end='\r\n'): sys.stdout.write(string) if end: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() def active_virtualenv(): result = 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in environ if result: print red("Active virtualenv detected! You must deactivate it first.") exit(-1) return result def python(): if env.python is None: print(yellow('Looking for python %s ...' % python_version)) # System python echo(yellow('- System python: '), end='') active = Popen('python --version', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) version = active.communicate()[1].split()[1] if version == python_version: print(green('found!')) env.python = 'python' return(env.python) else: print(red(version)) # Alternate install echo(yellow('- Alternate install: '), end='') active = Popen('python3 --version', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) version = active.communicate()[1].split()[1] if version == python_version: print(green('found!')) env.python = 'python3' return(env.python) else: if active.returncode == 0: print(red(version)) else: print(red('not found')) # PythonZ echo(yellow('- PythonZ: '), end='') active = Popen('$HOME/.pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.3.1/bin/python3 --version', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) output = active.communicate() version = output[1].split()[1] if version == python_version: print(green('found!')) env.python = "~/.pythonz/pythons/CPython-3.3.1/bin/python3" return(env.python) else: if active.returncode == 0: print(red(version)) else: print(red('not found')) # Anything found? D: print(red('Python %s was not found!' % python_version)) exit(-1) else: return env.python # Virtualenv def create_virtualenv(): if not exists('./virtualenv'): print(yellow('Making virtualenv')) local("virtualenv -q --distribute -p %s ./virtualenv" % python()) else: print(green('Virtualenv already exists.')) # Requirements def install_requirements(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): if stat('./config/development/requirements.pip').st_size > 0: print(yellow('Installing development requirements')) local('pip install -q -r ./config/development/requirements.pip') def install(package): "Install packages on the environment using fab install:" if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('pip install ' + package) def requirements(environ='global'): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('pip freeze') def syncdb(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py syncdb --noinput') execute(migrate) def fixtures(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py loaddata ./config/development/admin.json') local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py loaddata ./config/production/vanilla.json') def migrate(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py migrate') def schemamigration(app, flag='--auto'): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py schemamigration %s %s' % (app, flag)) # Easy-mode def prepare(): execute(create_virtualenv) execute(install_requirements) def p(): execute(prepare) def run(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): path = getcwd() with settings(hide('warnings', 'running'), warn_only=True): local('ln -s %s/config/development/local_settings.py %s/minecraftcodex/herobrine/local_settings.py' % (path, path)) local('python minecraftcodex/manage.py runserver') local('rm ./minecraftcodex/herobrine/local_settings.py') def test(): if not active_virtualenv(): with prefix(env.activate): local('python minecraftcodex/runtests/runtests.py') with settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): local('find . -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} \;', capture=True) def tox(): local('tox') with settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=True): local('find . -type d -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} \;', capture=True)