window.BlockRenderer = (model, textures, dom, width, height) -> # Globals _modelList = ['block'] _renderer = null _scene = null _object = null _camera = null _cameraType = 'isometric' _lights = [] # Set and check variables! _model = model if model not in _modelList return false # TODO CHECK TEXTURES! _textures = textures _domElement = document.querySelector dom if not _domElement return false _width = parseInt width _height = parseInt height if width == 'auto' _width = 'auto' _height = 'auto' else if not (_width > 0 and _height > 0) return false # Helpers # Checks for webgl support on the browser @checkWebGLsupport = -> return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext; @getWidth = -> return _domElement.clientWidth @setRendererSize = -> if _width == 'auto' width = @getWidth() height = width else width = _width height = _height _renderer.setSize width, height if _camera _camera.position.z = ( width / height ) * 40 @setObjectScale = -> if _cameraType == 'isometric' scale = 7.5 _object.scale.x = scale _object.scale.y = scale _object.scale.z = scale else scale = 0 _object.scale.x = scale _object.scale.y = scale _object.scale.z = scale # # WEBGL # @prepareCanvas = -> _renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer() @setRendererSize() = 'webgl-canvas' _domElement.appendChild _renderer.domElement @prepareScene = -> _scene = new THREE.Scene() @prepareObject = -> _object = @models[_model].call() _object.overdraw = true _scene.add _object @prepareCamera = -> if _cameraType == 'isometric' _camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera width / -2, width / 2, height / 2, height / -2, width * -2, width * 2 _camera.lookAt _object.position else _camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera 45, width / height, 1, 1000 _camera.position.z = ( width / height ) * 40 @prepareLight = -> light = new THREE.DirectionalLight 0xffffff light.position.set(1, 20, 60).normalize() light.intensity = 1.6 _scene.add light @animate = -> @setRendererSize() @setObjectScale() _renderer.render _scene, _camera requestAnimationFrame => @animate() # # MODELS # @models = block: -> if not 'side' in _textures false else texture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture _textures['side'] # We do not want blurry textures ;D texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial map: texture object = new THREE.Mesh new THREE.CubeGeometry(16, 16, 16), material object.rotation.set Math.PI/6, (Math.PI/4)*-1, 0 object # # INIT # @init = -> if @checkWebGLsupport() = "#{_width}px" = "#{_height}px" _domElement.innerHTML = '' @prepareCanvas() @prepareScene() @prepareObject() @prepareCamera() @prepareLight() @animate() @init()