package cli import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "" "" ) type CliOPtions struct { MangaID string } const defaultLogLevel string = "INFO" func Start() { logLevelFlag := flag.String("log-level", defaultLogLevel, "Log level") mangaIDFlag := flag.Int("manga-id", 0, "Manga ID to convert") noCacheFlag := flag.Bool("no-cache", false, "Cache requests to mangadex") outputPath := "Output" flag.Parse() cwd, errCwd := os.Getwd() if errCwd != nil { logrus.Fatalf("Error retrieving current working directory: %s", errCwd) } outputPath = filepath.Join(cwd, outputPath) if !*noCacheFlag { mangadex.EnableCache() } logLevel, errLogLevel := logrus.ParseLevel(*logLevelFlag) if errLogLevel != nil { logrus.Warnf("Incorrect loglevel %s, using default %s", *logLevelFlag, defaultLogLevel) } else { logrus.SetLevel(logLevel) } if *mangaIDFlag == 0 { logrus.Error("You should set -manga-id") logrus.Exit(1) } logrus.Infof("Getting information for Manga ID: %d", *mangaIDFlag) manga, err := mangadex.GetManga(*mangaIDFlag) if err != nil { panic(err) } logrus.Infof("Found! %s", manga.Title) logrus.Infof("Getting chapter information...") var mangaChapters []mangadex.MangaChapter mangaGroups := map[int]mangadex.MangaGroup{} chapterParams := mangadex.NewGetChaptersParams() currentPage := 1 // TODO: Select language selectedLanguage := "gb" for currentPage != chapterParams.Page { chapterParams.Page = currentPage logrus.Infof("Downloading chapters page %d", currentPage) chapters, groups, errChapters := manga.GetChapters(chapterParams) if errChapters != nil { logrus.Errorf("Error retrieving manga chapters: %s", errChapters) } for chapter := range chapters { if chapters[chapter].Language == selectedLanguage { mangaChapters = append(mangaChapters, chapters[chapter]) } } for group := range groups { _, exists := mangaGroups[groups[group].ID] if !exists { mangaGroups[groups[group].ID] = groups[group] } } // If we have the total number of items we try the next page if len(chapters) == chapterParams.Limit { currentPage++ } } logrus.Printf("Found following groups: ") for group := range mangaGroups { logrus.Printf(" %6d: %s", mangaGroups[group].ID, mangaGroups[group].Name) } // TODO: Select groups for digitalization // TODO: Using all for testing selectedGroups := make([]int, 0, len(mangaGroups)) for k := range mangaGroups { selectedGroups = append(selectedGroups, k) } logrus.Infof("Selected groups: %d", selectedGroups) logrus.Infof("Calculating Volumes...") mangaVolumeChapter := map[string]mangadex.MangaChapter{} var mangaVolumeChapterKeys []string for chapter := range mangaChapters { if !strings.Contains(mangaChapters[chapter].Chapter, ".") { mangaChapters[chapter].Chapter += ".0" } volumeChapterKey := fmt.Sprintf("%04s_%08s", mangaChapters[chapter].Volume, mangaChapters[chapter].Chapter) _, exists := mangaVolumeChapter[volumeChapterKey] if !exists { logrus.Debugf("Collecting volume %4s chapter %4s from group %7d", mangaChapters[chapter].Volume, mangaChapters[chapter].Chapter, mangaChapters[chapter].Groups) mangaVolumeChapter[volumeChapterKey] = mangaChapters[chapter] mangaVolumeChapterKeys = append(mangaVolumeChapterKeys, volumeChapterKey) } } logrus.Debugf("Sorting by volume and chapter") sort.Strings(mangaVolumeChapterKeys) for i := range mangaVolumeChapterKeys { logrus.Info(mangaVolumeChapterKeys[i]) } // TODO: Build output directory structure: Output///_%4d.jpg // TODO: Download chapters // TODO: Store download status // TODO: Download covers: Output// - Volume /0000.jpg // TODO: Zip folders into CBR files }