from __future__ import with_statement from os import listdir from os.path import join as join_paths, basename, isdir, isfile from plistlib import readPlist from biplist import readPlist as readBinaryPlist from .conf import BACKUPS_PATH, BACKUP_DEFAULT_SETTINGS from iosfu import utils class BackupManager(object): # Path to backups path = None # Backups loaded backups = {} def __init__(self, path=BACKUPS_PATH): self.path = path def lookup(self): """ Look for backup folders on PATH """ folders = listdir(self.path) for dirname in folders: path = join_paths(self.path, dirname) if isdir(path): backup = Backup(path) self.backups[] = backup def get(self, backup_id): if backup_id in self.backups and self.backups[backup_id].valid: return self.backups[backup_id] else: raise Exception('Backup not registered') class Backup(object): """ Backup object """ # Backup id id = None # Backup path path = None # Files files = [] # bool if its valid -> self.init_check() valid = True # Required files to mark as valid _required_files = [ 'Info.plist', 'Manifest.mbdb', 'Manifest.plist', 'Status.plist' ] # File handlers to call methods _file_handlers = { '.plist': '_read_plist' } _plist = {} # Data _data_file = None _data = {} def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.get_info() self._data_file = self.get_data_file() self.init_check() self.read_data_file() @property def name(self): name ='name') or return name def get_data_file(self): return "{}.iosfu".format(self.path) def read_data_file(self): try: handler = open(self._data_file) except (OSError, IOError): # Create default config file if non-existant handler = open(self._data_file, 'w+') handler.write(utils.serialize(BACKUP_DEFAULT_SETTINGS)) finally: with handler as f: data_file = self._data = utils.deserialize(data_file) handler.close() def get_info(self): """ Get all the basic info for the backup """ = basename(self.path) # Check all files for filename in listdir(self.path): if isfile(join_paths(self.path, filename)): self.files.append(filename) # Check handlers for match in self._file_handlers.keys(): if match in filename: handler = getattr(self, self._file_handlers[match]) handler(filename) def init_check(self): """ Check if the needed stuff are there to consider this a backup """ for required_file in self._required_files: # Check if required files are there # FIXME Sometimes it doesn't work :? if required_file not in self.files: self.valid = False def exists(self, filename): """ Check if the given file exists """ return filename in self.files def get_file(self, filename, handler=False): """ Returns given file path - handler (bool) - Returns handler instead of path """ result = None if self.exists(filename): file_path = join_paths(self.path, filename) if handler: result = open(file_path, 'rb') else: result = file_path return result # # File handlers # def _read_plist(self, filename): """ Handler for .plist files Reads them and stores on self._plist for plugin access """ file_path = self.get_file(filename) try: self._plist[filename] = readPlist(file_path) except: # Is binaryPlist? try: self._plist[filename] = readBinaryPlist(file_path) except: # What is it? pass # # Backup data file # def data(self, key, value=None): result = value if value: self._data[key] = value elif key in self._data: result = self._data[key] return result def cache(self, key, value=None): result = value if value: self._data['cache'][key] = value elif key in self._data['cache']: result = self._data['cache'][key] return result def clear_cache(self): self._data['cache'] = {} self.write_data_file() def write_data_file(self): handler = open(self._data_file, 'w+') handler.write(utils.serialize(self._data)) handler.close()