# golang-app-template Golang application template for GitHub. Contains: - Basic running Go code (just a `cmd` so everything else works) - A `Makefile` with some Quality of Life for contributing and executing common tasks. - A `Containerfile` with a boilerplate container with no dependencies. - [Goreleaser](https://goreleaser.com) configuration and CI. - A basic Helm chart - Github actions to build, test and release binaries and container images to the Github container registry. ## Using the template 1. Press the **Use this template** button at the top of this repository. 2. Find and replace `golang-app-template` everywhere you need 3. Rename `cmd/golang-app-template` 4. `make quick-run` ## Makefile ``` $ make help build: builds the project for the setup os/arch combinations clean: clean test cache, build files format: Executes the formatting pipeline on the project help: this screen. Keep it first target to be default lint: Check the project for errors quick-run: Executes the project using golang run: Executes the project build locally test: Runs the test suite ```