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title: Storing data in Node-Red flows using contexts
pub_date: 2021-10-11
tags: Home Assistant, Node-Red
I've been adding some automations to my Home Assistant recently so it can inform us of takeaway menu changes for local restaurants. We have a few favourites and they usually offer different options each day so checking for updates and notifying us via our Telegram bot is pretty easy.
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Since I didn't want to use any library or custom program/service to analyze the page I'm relaying this kind of work to the Node-Red service in my Home Assistant instance. It's a server that is always working, easy to set up, work and iterate from, and I already have some integrations in place for notifications and other QoL, so it seemed like a 110% win.
Despite having used Node-Red for various purposes along the years I usually delegated state to different services, databases or the filesystem. Not sure why I didn't check if Node-Red had something built-in-- which of course it had.
Node-Red has this concept of _context_. By default a context is stored in memory only, and you can get/set values from a node or from function nodes very easily:
![Node-Red Change node allows to make changes in contexts](./node-red-change-node-360.png)
> You can also edit contexts programatically from function nodes using:
> ``` js
> msg.contentSize = 123 // From another node
> flow.set("menuContentSize", msg.contentSize)
> var value = flow.get("menuContentSize")
> ```
In my case I wanted the data to persist service restarts and Node-Red provides a context store filesystem based which stores changes in memory and persists them to disk every 30 seconds, more than enough for my use case.
To enable it we need to modify the `settings.js` file of the Node-Red installation and add the appropriate `contextStore` parameters:
``` js
// ...
contextStorage: {
state: {
module: "localfilesystem",
base: "state" // This will store the data in ~/.node-red/state,
default: { module: "memory" }
// ...
> In this example I created a new context store called _state_ using the filesystem module I talked before and additionally I set up the storage in a custom directory.
This way I can have two context stores: one in memory (the default) and one to store my custom states. You can create more for your use cases but keep in mind that you need to select a different `dir` for each of them so they wont collide. For more information check [the implementation details](
In order to select an store to use you have a dropdown in the change node:
![Node red change node with dropdown selection](./node-red-change-node-dropdown-360.png)
> Or use the third argument`flow.set(key, value, store)`/`flow.get(key, store)` to select it programatically.
This allows for this very simple state checks in my case but allows for way more complex behaviors right out of the box.
I'm a very big fan of Node-Red. And I can use that so get notified of takaway menu changes now. Talk about a first world problem.
- References:
- [Node-Red: Context](
- [Node-Red: Local Filesystem context store](