WIP: Posts seslf hosting

This commit is contained in:
Felipe Martin 2020-12-14 22:58:05 +01:00
parent 40ae1d1ffd
commit 4caed27fd0
Signed by: fmartingr
GPG Key ID: 716BC147715E716F
2 changed files with 59 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ body:
I wanted to install this on a USB Drive, but apparently that's still not supported for _Home Assistant OS_, so I'm stuck with an SD Card for now. The latest development version (as of writting) does support it but I'd rather go with the stable release.
## Base Home Assistant OS using an SD Card
@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ The default database backend is SQLite, and that has it's limitations, so let's
4. Under the Info tab start the MariaDB Service and enable the Watchdog service
5. Go to the file editor interface and edit the `configuration.yaml` file.
6. Add the configuration for the [`recorder`](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/recorder/) integration:
``` yaml
db_url: mysql://homeassistant:<password>@core-mariadb/homeassistant?charset=utf8
commit_interval: 5
@ -81,6 +85,8 @@ action:
name: 'weekly_{{ now().strftime(''%Y-%m-%d'') }}'
TODO: Copy contents elsewhere!
## Setting up accounts and users that will use the system
This used to be more complex a while ago, now you only need to go to **Configuration > People** and add the users you need.
@ -106,9 +112,11 @@ Nginx addon
openssl genrsa -out homeassistant.key 2048
openssl req -new -key homeassistant.key -out homeassistant.csr
openssl x509 -req -in homeassistant.csr -CA ../CA.pem -CAkey ../CA.key -CAcreateserial -out homeassistant.crt -days 1825 -sha256
openssl x509 -req -in homeassistant.csr -CA CA.pem -CAkey CA.key -CAcreateserial -out homeassistant.crt -days 825 -sha256
> Note: certificate was generated with a 825 days validity for iOS to work correctly, since their certificate requisistes [are pretty specific](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210176)
## Getting the Home Assistant Companion
Download the application from your phone's store and after logging in you can setup the sensors to be sent to Home Assistant, this will be linked to your account so you could perform automations with them on the server.
@ -117,6 +125,45 @@ Apart from using the app to control your home devices, the sensors will be usefu
Another useful thing to setup here is the local (LAN) address to use when the phone is connected to Wifi at home, using an external hostname when connecting via VPN/RemoteControl.
## The first automation: tell me about updates
Script to send notification to everyone
``` yaml
alias: Send Notifications
- service: notify.mobile_app_oneplus6
title: '{{ title }}'
message: '{{ message }}'
# Insert more notifcations into sequence
mode: single
title: null
message: null
Automation to send notifications once new updates are available:
``` yaml
alias: Update notification
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.updater
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
condition: []
- service: script.send_notifications
title: New Home Assistant Release
message: >-
Home Assistant {{ state_attr('binary_sensor.updater', 'newest_version')
}} is now available.
mode: single
## Add system sensors
I want to control how the Raspberry is doing, so I'm going to enable some system sensors using the [`systemmonitor`](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/systemmonitor) sensor.
@ -224,6 +271,7 @@ This is one of the dependencies I have that I'm most eager to get rid off, but f
To setup, you need to enter your username, password and country code for the integration to communicate with the Tuya API, so your devices will require internet connection.
The plan is to replace the plugs (and the water sensor which is not Home Assistant compatible) with ZigBee devices.
The plan is to try and flash the plugs with Tasmota to free them from the _cloud_, and any new ones I'm getting will be Zigbee compatbile.
_discoverable: no

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@ -8,7 +8,15 @@ body:
## DeCONZ + Phoscon
- Install deconz addon
- Add deconz integration
- Host: core_deconz
## Pairing everything
- Pair smart plug (show as light)
- Pair motion sensor
- Pair window/door sensors
- Pair light detector
_discoverable: no