diff --git a/fmartingrcom/themes/v1/templates/projects/list.jinja b/fmartingrcom/themes/v1/templates/projects/list.jinja index ead34df..9315364 100644 --- a/fmartingrcom/themes/v1/templates/projects/list.jinja +++ b/fmartingrcom/themes/v1/templates/projects/list.jinja @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ {% endfor %}



Some notes goes here. Bacom ipsum and stuff


You can find more software or experiments I made into my github account.


This is most of the work/personal projects I have been involved in, the list may not be complete as I may have forgot to put + some of them, didn't have enough information or the owner of the final product didn't allow me to announce my role in it.

{% endblock %}