import hashlib from typing import Union import dataset from butterrobot.config import SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_PATH from butterrobot.objects import User, Channel, ChannelPlugin db = dataset.connect(DATABASE_PATH) class Query: class NotFound(Exception): pass class Duplicated(Exception): pass @classmethod def all(cls): """ Iterate over all rows on a table. """ for row in db[cls.tablename].all(): yield cls.obj(**row) @classmethod def get(cls, **kwargs): """ Returns the object representation of an specific row in a table. Allows retrieving object by multiple columns. Raises `NotFound` error if query return no results. """ row = db[cls.tablename].find_one(**kwargs) if not row: raise cls.NotFound return cls.obj(**row) @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): """ Creates a new row in the table with the provided arguments. Returns the row_id TODO: Return obj? """ return db[cls.tablename].insert(kwargs) @classmethod def exists(cls, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Check for the existence of a row with the provided columns. """ try: cls.get(**kwargs) except cls.NotFound: return False return True @classmethod def update(cls, row_id, **fields): fields.update({"id": row_id}) return db[cls.tablename].update(fields, ("id",)) @classmethod def delete(cls, id): return db[cls.tablename].delete(id=id) class UserQuery(Query): tablename = "users" obj = User @classmethod def _hash_password(cls, password): return hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( "sha256", password.encode("utf-8"), str.encode(SECRET_KEY), 100000 ).hex() @classmethod def check_credentials(cls, username, password) -> Union[User, "False"]: user = db[cls.tablename].find_one(username=username) if user: hash_password = cls._hash_password(password) if user["password"] == hash_password: return cls.obj(**user) return False @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): kwargs["password"] = cls._hash_password(kwargs["password"]) return super().create(**kwargs) class ChannelQuery(Query): tablename = "channels" obj = Channel @classmethod def create(cls, platform, platform_channel_id, enabled=False, channel_raw={}): params = { "platform": platform, "platform_channel_id": platform_channel_id, "enabled": enabled, "channel_raw": channel_raw, } super().create(**params) return cls.obj(**params) @classmethod def get(cls, _id): channel = super().get(id=_id) plugins = ChannelPluginQuery.get_from_channel_id(_id) channel.plugins = {plugin.plugin_id: plugin for plugin in plugins} return channel @classmethod def get_by_platform(cls, platform, platform_channel_id): result = db[cls.tablename].find_one( platform=platform, platform_channel_id=platform_channel_id ) if not result: raise cls.NotFound plugins = ChannelPluginQuery.get_from_channel_id(result["id"]) return cls.obj( plugins={plugin.plugin_id: plugin for plugin in plugins}, **result ) @classmethod def delete(cls, _id): ChannelPluginQuery.delete_by_channel(channel_id=_id) super().delete(_id) class ChannelPluginQuery(Query): tablename = "channel_plugin" obj = ChannelPlugin @classmethod def create(cls, channel_id, plugin_id, enabled=False, config={}): if cls.exists(channel_id=channel_id, plugin_id=plugin_id): raise cls.Duplicated params = { "channel_id": channel_id, "plugin_id": plugin_id, "enabled": enabled, "config": config, } obj_id = super().create(**params) return cls.obj(id=obj_id, **params) @classmethod def get_from_channel_id(cls, channel_id): yield from [ cls.obj(**row) for row in db[cls.tablename].find(channel_id=channel_id) ] @classmethod def delete_by_channel(cls, channel_id): channel_plugins = cls.get_from_channel_id(channel_id) [cls.delete( for item in channel_plugins]