# bazaar A service/library to extract product information from URLs. ## Configuration | Variable name | Default | Description | | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------ | | `HTTP_ENABLED` | `true` | Enable/Disable the HTTP server | | `HTTP_PORT` | `8080` | Port to serve the HTTP in | ## Servers ### HTTP - `POST /item` Parameters: - **url**: The URL to extract information from Responses: - `200`: Information extracted - `400`: Shop not supported, missing parameters - `500`: Internal error, check logs - `GET /liveness` Responses: - `200`: Server running ## Data model Currently, this information is extracted from the site (if possbile): ``` js { "description": "...", "image_url": "https://...", "in_stock": false, "name": "...", "price": 0.0, "price_text": "0,0 €", "release_date": "2019-03-08T00:00:00Z", "url": "https://..." } ``` [pkg/models/product.go](./pkg/models/product.go) ## Supported sites Support is handled in a _best effort_ basis. Some sites do not provided all exposed fields. - [Amazon.es](https://amazon.es) - [Amazon.com](https://amazon.com) - [AkiraComics](https://www.akiracomics.com) - [Casa del libro](https://www.casadellibro.com) - [Heroes De Papel](https://heroesdepapel.es) - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com)