extends KinematicBody2D const DustEffect = preload("res://Scenes/Effects/DustEffect.tscn") const PlayerBullet = preload("res://Scenes/Player/PlayerBullet.tscn") const JumpEffect = preload("res://Scenes/Effects/JumpEffect.tscn") export (int) var acceleration = 512 export (int) var max_speed = 64 export (float) var friction = 0.25 export (int) var gravity = 200 export (int) var jump_force = 128 export (int) var max_slope = 46 export (int) var bullet_speed = 250 var motion = Vector2.ZERO var snap_vector = Vector2.ZERO var just_jumped= false onready var sprite = $Sprite onready var animation = $Animation onready var coyoteJumpTimer = $CoyoteJumpTimer onready var playerGun = $Sprite/PlayerGun onready var muzzle = $Sprite/PlayerGun/Sprite/Muzzle onready var fireBulletTimer = $FireBulletTimer func _physics_process(delta): just_jumped = false var input_vector = get_input_vector() apply_horizontal_force(input_vector, delta) apply_friction(input_vector) update_snap_vector() jump_check() apply_gravity(delta) update_animations(input_vector) move() if Input.is_action_pressed("fire") and fireBulletTimer.time_left == 0: fire_bullet() func fire_bullet(): var bullet = Utils.instance_scene_on_main(PlayerBullet, muzzle.global_position) bullet.velocity = Vector2.RIGHT.rotated(playerGun.rotation) * bullet_speed bullet.velocity.x *= sprite.scale.x # Flip left/right depending on players direction bullet.rotation = bullet.velocity.angle() fireBulletTimer.start() func create_dust_effect(): var dust_position = global_position dust_position.x += rand_range(-4, 4) Utils.instance_scene_on_main(DustEffect, dust_position) func get_input_vector(): var input_vector = Vector2.ZERO input_vector.x = Input.get_action_strength("ui_right") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_left") return input_vector func apply_horizontal_force(input_vector, delta): if input_vector.x != 0: motion.x += input_vector.x * acceleration * delta motion.x = clamp(motion.x, -max_speed, max_speed) # Set the max motion func apply_friction(input_vector): if input_vector.x == 0 and is_on_floor(): motion.x = lerp(motion.x, 0, friction) func update_snap_vector(): if is_on_floor(): snap_vector = Vector2.DOWN func jump_check(): if is_on_floor() or coyoteJumpTimer.time_left > 0: if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_select"): Utils.instance_scene_on_main(JumpEffect, global_position) motion.y = -jump_force snap_vector = Vector2.ZERO just_jumped = true else: if Input.is_action_just_released("ui_select") and motion.y < -jump_force/2: motion.y = motion.y/2 func apply_gravity(delta): if not is_on_floor(): motion.y += gravity * delta motion.y = min(motion.y, jump_force) func update_animations(input_vector): sprite.scale.x = sign(get_local_mouse_position().x) animation.playback_speed = 1 if input_vector.x != 0: animation.playback_speed = sign(input_vector.x * sprite.scale.x) animation.play("Run") else: animation.play("Idle") if not is_on_floor(): animation.play("Jump") func move(): var was_on_air = not is_on_floor() var was_on_floor = is_on_floor() var last_position = position var last_motion = motion motion = move_and_slide_with_snap(motion, snap_vector * 4, Vector2.UP, true, 4, deg2rad(max_slope), false) # Just landed if was_on_air and is_on_floor(): # Keep previous momentum when landing on slopes motion.x = last_motion.x #create_dust_effect() Utils.instance_scene_on_main(JumpEffect, global_position) # Just left ground if was_on_floor and not is_on_floor() and not just_jumped: # Fixes "gap" when jumping off a cliff [TODO] motion.y = 0 position.y = last_position.y coyoteJumpTimer.start() # Prevent Sliding (hack) [NOT WORKING] # If we are on floor, the floor isn't moving and our motion is really tiny if is_on_floor() and get_floor_velocity().length() == 0 and abs(motion.x) < 1: position.x = last_position.x